Thank you for purchasing Jasmine Multimedia Publishing CD-ROMs.
Your Jasmine Multimedia CD-ROM Disc contains the following files:
NATDESC.TXT lists the film clips contained on the disc, sorted by description.
NATFILE.TXT lists the film clips contained on the disc, sorted by file name.
MUSIC.TXT lists the music files contained on the disc.
The Video for Windows Run-Time Software, which includes a new version of the Media
Player and the drivers necessary to play video files on your PC, in the directory \VFW.
Video files, in the directory \VIDEO. The movie files are saved using the Indeo codec from Intel, at 160x120 pixel resolution, with 24 bit color, and a 15 frames per second frame rate.
Music files, in the directory \MUSIC. The audio files on this disk are saved as 8 bit, 11.025 kHz, mono .WAV files.
In order to play the video footage on your Jasmine Multimedia CD-ROM, it is necessary to use the Microsoft Video for Windows software. A limited run-time version of Video for Windows has been provided on the CD-ROM. To install Video for Windows:
1) Within windows, select "Run" from the "File" menu of the Program Manager.
2) When prompted for a program to run, type
where "X" is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive.
3) Click the "OK" button. The Video for Windows run-time software will then be installed on your hard drive.To play a video clip, run the Media Player and select "Open" from the "File" menu. Select the file you wish to run, and double-click to open it. The media player will also play .WAV